Public Speaking Online Application
To offer the opportunity for members of all ages to hone their public speaking skills in a contest format.
NEW: States and Regions are responsible for hosting their own public speaking competitions. First Place Winners in each age group for both state and regional contests will qualify to compete in the National Contest via video submission.
Age Categories:
- Youth: 14-20
- Young Adult: 21-30
- Alumni: 31+
Prepared Speech:
- Topic: Contestants may choose any topic of their liking.
- Time: Minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes.
- Presentation: For 2025, the use of PowerPoint or Slides will not be allowed.
- Outline: 3 copies of a speech outline must be provided for the judges.
- Question: Each contestant will be asked a question after their speech relating to the speech topic and will have one minute to answer.
- NEW: Because the national contest will be conducted by video submission, contestants in the national contest will not be asked a question for their speech.
- NEW: The contestants entering the National Grange Contest may include both the Regional Winner AND State Winners.
- NEW: State and Regional Contests can be conducted in person at an event. However, to enter the 2025 National Grange Contest, contestants will submit their speeches by video.
- Contestant must be a Grange member in good standing.
- Speeches must meet time requirements: 3 to 5 minutes
- Outlines must be submitted to the National Youth Team by completing the online entry application.
- Contestants will be judged on: content, topic, delivery, stage presence, question answer and time limit.
- NEW: For 2025, all contestants must record themselves presenting their speech and will submit the video through an online application process. Contestants can include both state and regional winners.
- NEW: Videos must be audible and must show the contestant’s upper body without zooming in so that hand gestures can be seen.
1st – 3rd place winners will receive a cash prize.