Online Application


The National Grange Youth Officer Team is a group of youth and young adults from across the nation that have the opportunity to represent not only their State Grange, but the National Grange as a National Youth Officer for the National Grange Convention.  The team will participate in opening and closing drills, opening a morning session of the convention, and conducting an order of business for the convention delegation.   This is a great opportunity for the youth and young adult officers to grow as leaders and to serve as a representative of all youth and the future of our organization.


  • To allow youth and young adults the opportunity to learn from the Officers of the National Grange and gain perspective of the duties those officers hold.  
  • To engage in leadership growth and learn what it means to hold such an important leadership position.

Requirements:  UPDATED FOR the 2025 Convention Cruise

  • Must attend all youth activities while attending the National Grange Convention including workshops, service project, rehearsal and other events such as a Meet-and-Greet with the National Officers and the Leadership Academy at Sea.
  • Must be prepared before convention with officer duties specific to your office.   Officers will be notified early the office in which they will serve.
  • Officers are responsible for funding their own transportation, rooming, as well as any costs associated with attending the National Convention. A small stipend will be awarded to youth officers who show exemplary participation.
  • NEW:  To allow time to book your room for the cruise, the deadline has been updated.  As soon as your application is sent, assuming requirements are met, you will receive a confirmation email letting you know that you’ve been selected so that you can move forward with planning your trip.
  • NEW:  Officers must enter at least ONE contest from the program guide, whether it’s a youth contest or a Lecturer’s Contest.  You’ll be asked to note which contest you entered on the application.

Application Requirements

Please complete the online application which will require you to also submit the following:

  • A 4X6 headshot photo of yourself
  • A letter of recommendation from State President or State Youth Director
    • In the letter, note if applicant is an active member in good standing
    • State why you recommend the applicant to serve as an officer
  • Contest you have entered for 2025 (see above requirements)
  • A 4 – 5 sentence bio about yourself
  • A paragraph (4-5 sentences) on how the Grange has impacted you.

Online Application