The G.R.O.W. (Go Right on Working) Club is an elite club that is made up of Grange members who have participated in the National Grange Prince, Princess, Young Couple, Young Patron, Ambassador, or Horizon Leadership programs or has served as Youth team members or as a National Grange Youth Director.

  1. All G.R.O.W. Club members uphold the theme of the Club by assisting in developing and promoting local, state, and national youth programs
  2. All G.R.O.W. Club members are encouraged to wear their G.R.O.W. Club pin
  3. An Annual reunion/meeting will be held at that National Convention with the possibility of introducing the newest members of the Club.
  4. G.R.O.W. Club members are expected to encourage their local Granges, Grangers, Pomona Granges and State Granges to support the Grange Foundation Youth Leadership Fund.
  5. An address and email address database will be continually updated of current members
  6. G.R.O.W. Club members have benefited from the Youth Leadership Fund; therefore they realize the value of the Fund. GROW Club members will act as a “Booster Club” for the Youth Leadership Fund. GROW Club members are encouraged to submit a fundraising idea. G.R.O.W. Club members may be utilized in fundraising efforts.
  7. G.R.O.W. Club members will elect a board, which will consist of five elected members and two ex-officio members. One (1) representative from each of the following regions shall be elected by a vote at the annual meeting by a majority vote: Mid-Atlantic, Great Plains, Midwest, Northeast & Western. A rotating board has been established; therefore allowing each member to serve for three years. The board shall select their own officers. The National Grange President and the National Youth Development Director will serve as ex-officio members.
  8. The G.R.O.W. Club board will be instrumental in planning the yearly activities of the G.R.O.W. Club

G.R.O.W. Club Team is as follows:


Team Member

Region Expires


Robert Beamon 

At large 2024


Samantha Hanson

Midwest 2024


Christina Webster

Western 2025


Nathan Strawder

Great Plains 2025


Kathy Gibson

Northeast 2026


Jenn Nauss

Eastern 2026


National G.R.O.W. Club Travel Scholarship

Application deadline: October 20th

The G.R.O.W. Club has established a scholarship to assist the National Youth/Young Adult Ambassadors and National Youth Officer Team participants cover some of their costs to attend the national session. Applications are due October 20th. Winners will be announced at the National Session during the G.R.O.W. Club reception. Applications are available online.