Individuals have the opportunity to gain knowledge about the Grange and Junior Grange, its history, and impact on rural America.

Grange Baseball gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge of the organization in many different areas, while enhancing your critical thinking, problem solving, communications and listening skills.

Questions will be gathered from: The National Grange roster, youth and Junior programs, past trivia challenges, manual, degrees, Grange history books, Digest of Laws, Journal of Proceedings, etc.

Age: 14-25 years of age by December 31 of the competing year.

  • Participants will be divided into two teams: Blue Agates or Golden Sheaves.
  • Play will last for five innings or one hour. In the case of a tie breaker an extra inning will be played.
  • Each team will get 3 outs per inning. (An out is an incorrect answer.)
  • When a player gets up to bat, they will spin to determine what level of base question they will receive.
  • The type of base hit will determine the difficulty of the question.
  • Participants will have 15 seconds to answer a single or double question; 30 seconds to answer a triple or homerun question.
  • Junior Baseball players may request help from a pinch hitter (help from the audience) no more than 3 times over the total length of the game.

Once the teams have been decided, the teams will need to come up with a line-up. Teams cannot help the batter answer a question.

Statistics will be kept on each individual player. The top players (1 Youth, 1 Junior) from each state with the best slugging percentages will represent the state at National Session. These participants will be referred to as “Silver Sluggers”.

For anyone not participating, team cheering sections are highly encouraged.

Anyone can participate at a state level, only Juniors/Youth/Young Adults will be able to participate at National session.

The top 3 contestants with the highest scores in the national contest within the Youth Category will win a cash prize.

Contestant’s information must be submitted no later than Nov. 1 to the National Youth Director at

Grange Name and Number
Mailing Address